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Want to learn how to create and other tips?

Check out our Tech Tutorials page.

Projector, Stations Using Devices & Synchronous & Asynchronous Activities

Looking for dice, other "choosers" or timers for use in Slides? 

Check out this page.

Slides Resources Page (1).jpg

HPE YouTube Channels by HPE Professionals

Gelardi TikTok.PNG

Check out
Tom Gelardi's
(@CoachGelardi) amazing "Tips for PE Teachers" TikTok Videos!

Blue White Minimalist Pure Water Logo (1).png

Featured Resources

Pickleball GIFs
by Brian Hull,   @BrianHullPE

K-5 Skills & Activity Collections
by Donn Tobin (@donntobin)

Hundreds of resources are available below.

All of the resources below are accessible using one of 3 options:

  1. by Search

  2. by Folder

  3. by Thumbnail View (Browse)


1. Editable Resources Search Option

Use the search tool below to search by "Title",

"Level" (aka grade level), "Applicable for" or select a date range the file was last updated. 

(Apologies for the change to the search engine.  We simply couldn't afford the other one.)


The creators of each resource below have been added and are searchable. 


Click any folder below to access all of the files related to that topic in your Drive.

Stop Sign.png

Do NOT share these folders with students.

Most will not be able to access.

2. Editable Resources Organized by Drive Folder

All files can be viewed below, however we've added folders above to group the available
resources by topic in hopes that it is helpful in locating what you need.
In the Thumbnail view, below, click on any file to view full file. 
Go to "File", then "Make a Copy" for your own editable copy.

3. Browse Editable Resources in Thumbnail View
Alphabetical by Title

Scroll DOWN
for more

Dance GIFs w/Video - by Victor Spadaro

Webpage Projector Activities

Note: It is our hope that the files shared above inspire you to edit and add to them to meet YOUR students' needs.  Some options may just be a "jumping off point", with deeper learning to come.  Please take the time to analyze and determine how a resource addresses the "why" you are targeting or how it can lead to addressing that "why". 

Note: All work generously shared here is for educational use only.   Permission is granted to edit and use these presentations in your classroom or for professional development only. 

It is expressly forbidden to use the files contained here to create works to offer for sale.  

If you are thinking of adding a projector to your gym, check this out from Kevin Tiller: 

We, also, have a post on setting up a DIY rear projection screen in your gym here: 

Note: Be sure to use "Backward Design" when planning lessons.  Determine the Standard/GLO that is your target before you determine how you will meet that target!  Hopefully, some of the offerings below will benefit your students in reaching their learning goals AND provide a ton of enjoyment, too!

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