I wanted to create a longer choice workout, so here it is: http://bit.ly/30kta0b
Students, working in small groups of 2 to 4 students with one device (Chromebook, iPad (iPads respond a bit slowly, so be sure to tell the kids to just tap once and pause-it will move forward), Windows device, tablet or Mac) choose a warmup, several activities for the main workout and a cool down. Along the way, the various components of fitness, both skill-related and health-related are utilized to support the teaching of those concepts.
I've included some music, that can be played by the teacher, on the first slide during the workout, if desired.
There are 2 timers on each slide that needs one so that if your school doesn't allow access to one of them, the other is available.
The timer makes a rather annoying noise at the end, so you may want to have students mute their devices, though I don't think they will be able to be heard in a gym anyway. I'm thinking that students will just keep doing the activity (jogging for example) until they come around to their device and see that the timer has stopped. (It doesn't have to be exactly 3 minutes.)
If you use the jump ropes, you can have an area designated for rope jumping away from where each group has their computer for safety of the devices, perhaps in the middle of the gym with devices around the outer edges.
This is designed to be approximately 20 - 30 minutes long if students are doing each activity correctly.
SHAPE National Standards addressed or introduced using this activity:
(note: just the 6th grade GLOs are listed here as an example of those that apply, but other other grade levels would have a similar list)
Describes how being physically active leads to a healthy body (S3.M1.6)
Describes the role of warm-ups and cool-downs before and after physical activity. (S3.M12.6)
Designs and implements a program of remediation for any areas of weakness based on the results of health-related fitness assessment. (S3.M15.6)
Maintains a physical activity log for at least two weeks and reflects on activity levels as documented in the log. (S3.M16.6)
Participates in a variety of aerobic-fitness activities using technology such as Dance Dance Revolution or Wii Fit. (S3.M4.6)
Identifies the components of skill-related fitness (S3.M7.6)
Sets and monitors a self-selected physical-activity goal for aerobic and/or muscle- and bone-strengthening activity based on current fitness level. (S3.M8.6)
Exhibits personal responsibility by using appropriate etiquette, demonstrating respect for facilities, and exhibiting safe behaviors. (S4.M1.6)
Identifies and uses appropriate strategies to self-reinforce positive fitness behaviors, such as self-talk. (S4.M2.6)
Demonstrates self-responsibility by implementing specific corrective feedback to improve performance. (S4.M3.6)
Accepts differences among classmates in physical development, maturation, and varying skill levels by providing encouragement and positive feedback. (S4.M4.6)
Cooperates with small group of classmates during adventure activities, game play, or team-building activities. (S4.M5.6)