We have put together this resource that includes information and examples of the many ways Flippity can be used in HPE. 2 of the examples were created using resources shared by Andy Milne (@carmelhealth) and Kait Hall (@MrsKaitlynHall) and our thanks go out to them for the initial shares. The resource includes tutorials and tips, as well as examples that can be edited to meet your students' needs. The Badge Tracker is a very impressive tool and is great for backward design. The example provided offers an option for teaching and assessing the following:
S3.M1.6 Physical Activity Badge
Describes how being physically active leads to a healthy body
S4.M4.6 Encouragement Badge
Accepts differences among classmates in physical development, maturation, and varying skill levels by providing encouragement and positive feedback.
S3.M7.6 Skill-related Fitness
Identifies the components of skill-related fitness
The following Flippity Tools are highlighted in the file:
Quiz Show
Random Name Picker
Scavenger Hunt
Fun with Words
Badge Tracker
Matching Game
Tournament Bracket