Utilizing the Stroop Test to show the impact of physical activity is a brilliant idea! Jo Bailey recently shared this lesson via Twitter and included the record sheet she used which can be found here: goo.gl/WVSoJa

For the lesson students do the following:
In partners, each partner takes the Stroop Test - 2 tests involving words and colors - partners time each other. Record each result. Be sure that the kids understand that they are saying the color of the text in each test, NOT the word. (Tip for students: tell them to be sure that a zero appears in the time box after they click to start. That indicates the timer is running.)
Partners exercise for 20 minutes.
Repeat the 2 parts of the Stroop Test.
Record results, analyze the results, reflect and apply the results.
The record sheet that Jo created does an excellent job of encouraging critical thinking. I love the impact of a lesson like this, as it provides the opportunity for one of those "Aha! moments" that can stick with students throughout their lives and continue to impact them long after that specific lesson.
One additional thought that I have for this lesson was mentioned within the Twitter thread where we discussed this activity. That came from Jorge Rodgriguez when he mentioned using this in a professional development setting. (I have done the Stroop Test during PD, as well, though not to make the "importance of physical activity" point). With all of the discussion surrounding the value of "brain boosts", this activity seems like a perfect way to make the point with teaching professionals that physical activity truly does "make you smarter"!