We have put together this resource that includes information and examples of the many ways Flippity can be used in HPE. 2 of the examples were created using resources shared by Andy Milne (@carmelhealth) and Kait Hall (@MrsKaitlynHall) and our thanks go out to them for the initial shares. The resource includes tutorials and tips, as well as examples that can be edited to meet your students' needs.
A great option for use of this tool at the High School level is to have students create their own Flippity tool!
The Badge Tracker is a very impressive tool and is great for backward design. The example provided offers an option for teaching and assessing the following:
S3.M1.6 Physical Activity Badge
Describes how being physically active leads to a healthy body
S4.M4.6 Encouragement Badge
Accepts differences among classmates in physical development, maturation, and varying skill levels by providing encouragement and positive feedback.
S3.M7.6 Skill-related Fitness
Identifies the components of skill-related fitness
The following Flippity Tools are highlighted in the file:
Quiz Show
Random Name Picker
Scavenger Hunt
Fun with Words
Badge Tracker
Matching Game
Tournament Bracket