Quizlet live is a very fun team challenge that provides students with an entertaining way to review information.
If you aren't familiar with Quizlet trains students via flashcards and various games and tests. Quizlet live is a team way to "play" the flashcards. It ... "is an engaging in-class game where students work in teams to correctly match terms and definitions. The first team to match all terms and definitions correctly in a row wins the game.
Quizlet Live is free to all teachers who have a Quizlet account."
You can try this "Bones" Quizlet set if you'd like to see what Quizlet is like: https://quizlet.com/334565153/bones-flash-cards/
If you create an account, you can start a "Quizlet Live" game. To play, your students will enter the "join code" from this link: quizlet.com/live. Once all of your students have joined, you will select "Create game" and the game will determine the teams. Your students will need to find their teammates and gather together, each with their own device. When the first question appears, each student much check the answers on their screen (each student has different possible responses) and only one answer on one student's screen is correct. When the student with the correct answer clicks the answer and it is correct, the team continues. If the answer is incorrect, the team must start over. The first team that gets all of the questions correct without missing any is the winner.
SUPER fun!!
For more information see: https://quizlet.com/help/2444125/how-to-use-quizlet-live