A lot of #physed pros out there have been using @thepespecialist's Daily Self Assessment, shown above and discussed here: goo.gl/CLUcxP. Students simply tap their self-assessment as they leave the gym giving teachers valuable formative feedback on the efficacy of the lesson.

@lynnhefele recently shared this image
on Twitter saying she wished she had one, and so I set about coming up with something that would allow us to leverage the technology we have available. I, first, created this Google Form: https://goo.gl/forms/D9W1d953RDlDRCCF3
You can get your own copy of the form here: goo.gl/DuXsTj The advantage of using the Google Form is that your data will be saved. And, if you want to, you could even have kids choose their name from a dropdown, if you want to know who answered how. But, the down side is that after you choose your response, you have to click to submit. AND, the next student must click "submit another response" in order to enter their response.
So, I set out to create another option that would resolve those "issues". I, first, set up this page: https://www.cbhpe.org/quick-check which works very well, if you just need an overall picture of how things are going. You can ask any question that involves the students reporting how they "felt" about something, or how well they felt their "learning" went that day or on that skill/topic. Obtaining formative feedback is something Physical Educators, literally, do constantly while teaching as they visually evaluate how their students are doing with a physical activity/skill. This just provides an opportunity to see how the kids "feel" about the learning and to do it extremely quickly, possibly as an exit ticket or even as an entrance ticket or quick check within the lesson!
I have, now, added a second "Quick Check - Self Assessment" here: https://www.cbhpe.org/quick-check-2, which uses Dede Feister's version. (@dfeister)
You can even access your own printable and editable copy of her slides here: goo.gl/MLyiBt
Let me know how it works for you!