I saw this use of graphs a while back from Lori Bifarella and wanted to create something that would allow teachers to quickly and easily create any graph with any activities and reps that the wanted. Here's what I came up with: bit.ly/2W68APD (Go to "file", then "make a copy for your own copy!)
On the first tab, you can enter your activities and the number to perform. Only make changes in the green section.

Once you've entered the data, all of the graph options will be automatically generated on the 3 tabs accessible at the bottom labeled as shown here:

The Pie Graph:

The "Vertical Axis Count by 5's" graph:

And the "Vertical Axis Count by 2's" graph:

Again, all you have to do is enter the activities and the 3 graphs will be automatically generated and printable. Here are the print settings to print a full page graph:

Questions? Just ask!!