This Empathy and Inclusion hyperdoc ( gives your students the opportunity to experience various disabilities through the activities included, with the goal of helping students to develop empathy for those with disabilities. Students will learn through viewing media and participating in experiences that simulate the following: learning disability, visual impairment, hearing impairment, physical disabilities, and autism.
For the visual impairment activity students are, again, in partners. You will need something to use as blindfolds and soft balls or objects to toss.
For the hearing impairment experience students will work in pairs. Print and make enough copies of this file: so each student has one quarter piece of paper with a word list and sentences (Word list/sentence list 1 or 2). One student will try to lip-read list 1 and the other student will try to lip-read list 2.
For the physical disabilities experience you will need bean bags and a number of objects to place on the other side of the gym for students to retrieve.
For the Autism activity students will work in groups of 5. Each student will get one card from this file: and one passage w/questions from this file:
Students will take turns reading their passage and will rotate the roles for each passage. (After all 5 passages have been read, each student will have played each role.)
Upon completion of the activity students will reflect using this Google Form: The link will ask you to make a copy of the form. That is so that you will be able to maintain student privacy and only your students will appear on your form. You can give students a short link to the form or simply put it in Google Classroom for them to access.
I have included both a YouTube 2 minute timer and the same time in Drive in case one or the other is not accessible in your district.
While for most Hyperdocs, students need their own copy, for this one it is best presented "whole class" with the Hyperdoc projected.
If you choose to use this Hyperdoc, I would LOVE to hear how it was received by your students! Personally, I think this lesson is a terrific use of class time in Physical Education and allows you to very directly address many SHAPE National Standards. You can find those addressed here: